Tag Archives: microwave sweet potato chips

Crispy Microwaved Sweet Potato Chips

3 Oct

I stumbled across the recipe for these sweet potato chips when I spent Sunday avoiding doing anything productive, like writing a paper due the end of this week for my Women and the Law class or working on my closing argument for trial advocacy I have to give on Tuesday.  I swear, I am not a procrastinator by nature.  3L is just sucking any and all motivation from the marrow of my bones (mmm … roasted bone marrow sounds good, doesn’t it …?), and I’m still managing to be more or less ahead.  So, instead of outlining why the government snitch is an unreliable witness, I perused every square inch of the food related internet, and found this recipe.

I can’t be too mad about my decision, though, because these chips were super yummy.  The applewood smoked sea salt was the perfect complement to the sweet potato, but I’m sure kosher salt would be pretty darn good, too.  The most challenging thing about these chips was not eating them all in one sitting – other than that, it’s basically a matter of thinly slicing and putting in the microwave.  They make for a delicious, healthy snack.

Crispy Microwaved Sweet Potato Chips

From Our Best Bites

1 medium sweet potato, as uniform in width as possible, scrubbed clean

Non-stick cooking spray

1 tsp. yakima applewood smoked sea salt

Cut a piece of parchment paper to fit the glass plate in your microwave.  Using a mandoline, slice potato 1/8″ thick.  Lightly spray with nonstick cooking spray.  Season with smoked salt.

Set microwave to 50% power.  Cook 8-10 minutes, keeping an eye on the potatoes after about 5 minutes, until edges are golden brown.  [Note: My microwave power button is broken, so I microwaved mine on high for about five minutes per batch, for a total of three batches.]

Let cool completely before eating.  Store in airtight container.