Tag Archives: grilled copper river salmon

Grilled Dill Sockeye Salmon and Vegetables

28 Jun

This dish is the epitome of simple, healthy, and delicious.  The fresh vegetables from our CSA and excellent quality salmon were elevated with a simple marinade of olive oil, garlic, red wine vinegar, and dill.  The salmon was perfectly cooked – just barely warm in the center and flaky and delicious on the outside.  The dill flavor was subtle but highlighted the freshness of the fish.  The vegetables were tender and mouth-wateringly flavorful, with a hint of acid from the red wine vinegar and a natural sweetness.  We both immensely enjoyed this due to the variety of flavor and texture.

Grilled Dill Sockeye Salmon and Vegetables

Dill Marinated Sockeye Salmon:

1 lb. Copper River sockeye salmon steaks

3 tbs. olive oil

2 tbs. red wine vinegar

2-3 tbs. fresh dill, finely chopped

1 large clove garlic, minced

Kosher salt and freshly cracked black pepper

1 lemon, quartered, for garnish

Non-stick cooking spray

Mix together marinade ingredients.  Add fish and let marinate 2-4 hours.

Preheat grill.  Spray grill grate with non-stick cooking spray.

Once vegetables are nearly cooked through (see below), add sockeye salmon to the grill.  Cook 6-7 minutes per side until cooked to desired consistency and temperature.  Serve with grilled vegetables and a lemon wedge.

Grilled Vegetables:

3 garlic scapes, cut into 2-3″ long segments

3 green onions

1/2 zucchini, cut into 3/16″ segements

3-4 tbs. olive oil

1-2 tbs. red wine vinegar

Kosher salt and freshly cracked black pepper

Preheat grill.

Mix together olive oil, red wine vinegar, kosher salt, and freshly cracked black pepper.  Toss all vegetables in oil and vinegar combination to coat.  Reserve oil and vinegar combination.

Lay out a flat square of tinfoil on your grill.  Add garlic scapes.  Cook, turning and brushing with oil and vinegar mixture frequently, about 15-20 minutes, until tender and cooked through.

Meanwhile, place green onions on a flat square of tinfoil.  Add a tbs. or so of oil and vinegar mixture and form a pouch.  Place on the grill and cook 15-20 minutes, turning a few times, until tender and cooked through.

Place zucchini rounds directly on the grill, careful not to allow them to fall through the grate.  Cook about 10-15 minutes, turning once, until lightly browned and tender.  If necessary, place on top of the onion packet to keep warm and prevent overcooking.¹

Serve directly off the grill.

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